Windsor area rents dropped in 2024 while housing prices stabilized
The relentless upward trend in housing costs in Windsor and Essex County has eased a bit, according to new figures looking back at 2024.
Average monthly rents fell three per cent last year, with new home construction costs declining slightly for the second consecutive year and the average sales price in the resale home market having remained in the $570,000s since last May.
Windsor looking at ‘staggering’ fee hikes for home builds, new development
A consultant’s report heading soon to city council suggests Windsor development charges could increase by more than 150 per cent — sparking strong backlash from the development community.
Local builders warn the proposed fee hikes would stifle home building in the city and take home ownership — increasingly unaffordable for many — even further out of reach.
‘This is heaven’ — Windsor families get new homes from Habitat for Humanity
Two families given keys to their homes by Habitat for Humanity in Windsor’s west end Saturday had similar messages — the houses are much more than homes, they’re about “hope and stability.”
Windsor homebuilders, realtors welcome Tory proposal to nix GST on new homes
The presidents of the Windsor Essex Home Builders’ Association (WEHBA) and the Windsor Essex County Association of Realtors (WECAR) welcome the federal Conservatives’ proposal to eliminate the GST on new home construction, but caution it shouldn’t come at the expense of existing programs.
Local Home Builders' Association chair welcomes provincial planning changes
The Chair of the Windsor Essex Home Builders' Association believes new changes announced by the provincial government when it comes to planning are a step in the right direction.
Mini-boom? Local housing starts well ahead of last year's pace
The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corp. reports there has been 535 more new home starts through the first seven months of this year compared to the same period in 2023 in the Windsor census metropolitan area (CMA).
Growth in new home construction won't change Windsor's funding access, minister says
There were 693 housing starts in Windsor in the first half of 2024, according to data from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
Windsor area sees 'shocking' big jump in new home construction
While both Ontario and Canada recorded significant declines in new home starts in June, the Windsor area enjoyed a surge in new home construction, according to the Canada Housing and Mortgage Corp.
Habitat For Humanity Windsor-Essex Celebrates 30 Years
Habitat for Humanity Windsor-Essex (HFHWE) hosted a community Family Fun Event, complete with a Makers’ Market, live music, games, prizes, a staff and volunteer Olympiad to celebrate 30 years on Saturday.
Windsor Essex Home Builder’s Association: Parade of Homes 2024
We're very excited to kickoff the 2024 Windsor-Essex Home Builder's Association Parade of Homes!
More housing to be built in Sandwich Town
Habitat for Humanity Windsor-Essex (HFHWE) has announced more homes will be built in Sandwich Town through a partnership with BK Cornerstone Design Build.
BK Cornerstone Donates To Habitat For Humanity To Continue Building Efforts In Historic Sandwich Towne
Habitat for Humanity Windsor-Essex was presented with a cheque from BK Cornerstone for the purpose of continuing building efforts in Sandwich Towne.
Windsor builders hail federal budget housing measures as 'good start'
Local developers are calling the multibillion-dollar affordable housing measures in the 2024 federal budget “a good start” but say much work remains before any real impact is felt.
'Going to be a different place:' Windsor-Essex builders scramble to solve affordable housing riddle
“Higher density is 100 per cent the solution,” Klundert said. “As supply of land is restrained, the demand for available land needs to have higher density on it. The municipalities want that, but the existing infrastructure isn’t always there to handle that higher density.”
"What is the meaning of home?” asks 10-year-old Nina, with her six-year old brother, Gio, and mom, Adriana, by her side. “For our family home means making new memories that will last a lifetime.”
Despite low supply, Windsor area new-home prices dipped in 2023
The rapid rise in interest rates that smothered demand for newly built homes also put the brakes on escalating home construction prices last year in the Windsor area.
Windsor needs more work on zoning, advocate says in wake of housing decision.
Windsor is "well within its rights" to refuse to make zoning changes that could make the city eligible for millions in federal housing cash, but experts and advocates say the move could affect the city meeting housing targets and increasing affordability.
Windsor-Essex developers show high interest to build, but market conditions dampen housing starts.
Re-zoning applications for new housing are flowing into Windsor City Hall at a record pace, but housing starts are falling way behind targets to provide more housing supply, according to data from the City of Windsor.
Downtown Windsor footprint continues to evolve with The Hive.
BK Cornerstone has built 24 units in the Hive. They're hoping the next project will have over a hundred. They are also in talks with investors to create another project with 300 units creating more urban density.