Windsor looking at ‘staggering’ fee hikes for home builds, new development
Foundations for new single family homes are shown in SilverLeaf Estates, a housing development in Lasalle.
A consultant’s report heading soon to city council suggests Windsor development charges could increase by more than 150 per cent — sparking strong backlash from the development community.
Local builders warn the proposed fee hikes would stifle home building in the city and take home ownership — increasingly unaffordable for many — even further out of reach.
If council approves the proposals, development charges for single-family homes would increase to $76,543 each (up 151 per cent), and to $117,086 for Sandwich South lands (up 145 per cent).
“The increases are staggering,” Windsor-Essex Home Builders Association president Brent Klundert said of the numbers in a consultant’s report.
“At a time when everyone is talking about improving housing affordability, these development charges would add ($46,000) to the cost of every single-family home in the city,” Klundert told the Star.
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